You’ve likely found this page either because I’ve linked it to a post on my blog or maybe you just stumbled in from a Google search.
Either way, hi.
This page isn’t linked on any of my landing pages. Nor is it linked to the supporting pages of thinkit creative. Nor is it yet-another mission statement or a set of corporate principles vetted by a legal team, set to some breathless prose.
This is about something a lot simpler.
It’s a list of what matters.
Unlike everything else that I write about as a copywriter or talk about as a presenter, this isn’t for you first. It’s for me.
I post this here to remind myself. I share it with you because sharing is good. Write to me and share with me what matters to you.
What matters…
Love your family. I don’t care if it sounds trite. The most obvious things are often the ones we have to repeat the most to remember them fully.
Find one true friend. You’re lucky if you make even one of these in your entire life. So raise the odds and be one to somebody.
Do something green.
Be helpful.
Talk less and listen more (I need help with this one).
Be a citizen first and a consumer second. In all respects.
Remember that most measures of happiness are an illusion.
A healthy body, mind and spirit aren’t things you acquire. You choose them.
Love what you fear.
Avoid making too many lists. They can sap your time and frustrate you if you’re not careful.