I’m recent customer of Netflix, an American-based online service for movies that was only recently introduced here in Canada. For a very modest monthly fee, you can stream films to your deskop, iPad or TV. Just as important, it remembers where you were in a film, should you decide to pause and then pick up later on a different device. It also has a pretty intuitive way of suggesting movies you might enjoy, based on the feedback you provide. Just as important, it doesn’t feel like work to use this service.
Granted, they don’t have the same selection of new releases as you might find at the local video store. They also don’t seem to excel at having all the typical mainstream films you’d typically expect from a brick-and-mortar operation.
But that’s okay. And the reason why it’s okay is that Netflix does one thing, really, really well.
It makes it easy to find a good movies to watch.
Daring Fireball zeroed in on that today with a choice quote from the Chief Product Officer at Netflix who summed up what they’ve learned about delivering an online service: “simple trumps complete.”
Simplicity is a passion that I share, too.
Simple is hard. It doesn’t trivialize a complicated problem. Rather, it means that you have thought long and hard about that problem and have found a way of solving it that will meet and even exceed the expectations that people have.
Simple means more than just minimizing steps. It means you have taken the time to figure out what matters most to your customers and delivering unfailing on that need, versus trying to deliver many promises and being just adequate most of the time.