Connect with your audience and engage them with field-tested copywriting crafted by the skilled writers and editors at thinkit creative.
Whether your focus is B2B or B2C marketing, your sales success hinges on having benefit-driven copy engineered to address the needs of your readers.
Discover how you can unlock the power of writing that sells.
What our clients say
Patrick Gant and his company, thinkit creative, was referred to us by TWO different, trusted partners of ours. I am very happy to report he lived up to his reputation. Patrick took the time to understand our business and how we help our clients. He challenged us to look at things in a different light, which I believe helped us to better convey how we deliver value. I plan on hiring thinkit creative for our next project!
—Doreen Ashton Wagner, Greenfield Services Inc.
What our clients say
Through his company, thinkit creative, Patrick Gant goes beyond just providing great writing on direct mail and webcopy projects for not-for-profit organizations. He shows a sincere interest in helping organizations like the Learning Disabilities Association of Canada be truly successful. And he does that by going the extra mile on every project, showing you how you can implement methods and techniques that grab an audience’s attention and turn readers in donors.
—Judy Kerr, Learning Disabilities Association of Canada
Here are some sample extracts from direct marketing material we’ve written or edited (where noted) for clients:
>Business-to-business marketing (B2B)
- Retail barcode sheet
- Sales training e-newsletter
- Product information sheet
- Benefit-driven information kit
- Direct mail/online marketing
>Business-to-consumer marketing (B2C)
>Public affairs/advocacy marketing
- Canada’s Pacific Gateway Strategy brochure
- Brochure for a not-for-profit organization
- Apprentice Inventory Project toolkit
- Public health toolkit
- Sectoral advocacy brochure
>Business-to-business marketing (B2B)
Retail barcode sheet
Daylite3 — Organize. Achieve. Grow.
Your customers — from current Mac users to those who are thinking about switching platforms — demand the very best when it comes to choosing productivity and business software. Make a lasting impression on them by stocking and recommending Daylite3 — the #1 timesaving productivity manager for the Mac.
Not only does Daylite3 save time and help get things done quickly, users (the very customers you serve) rely on this award-winning application because it is engineered for the unique needs of Mac-based businesses and professionals…*
Sales training e-newsletter for Engage Selling Solutions
See for miles and miles: getting focused on prospecting
In this section we’ll examine winning approaches to prospecting: how to stay focused, how to turn leads into a money-making resource year-round, as well as how to establish and grow your prospecting network.
Focus, focus!
Now that you have your plan, you’re ready to execute it and build your prospecting network. Your success in achieving that step will not hinge on the power of wishful thinking, but on remaining steadfast, unequivocal and focused on your sales goals. In sales, the ball only gets rolling for you once there are prospects to talk to, contacts to follow-up with, and customers with whom to close a deal. Acting on, or at least thinking about, prospecting should be part of your daily business habits. As noted author and speaker, Zig Ziglar, once remarked: “Daily objectives are the best indicators of character” …*
Beyond 20/20 product information sheet
Benefits of using the Data Connection Wizard
Cost-effective — The Data Connection Wizard is so intuitive it requires no product training-which represents a substantial saving on its own. But this product also saves money by saving you time because of its efficiency. It takes only minutes to perform sophisticated tasks, allowing you to invest your time wisely learning your data by visualizing, calculating and manipulating your data. All you need to know is your data — the wizard looks after the rest.
Easy to use — Step-by-step, the Data Connection Wizard guides you through your tasks. No need for thick manuals or long discussions with technical support help. Worldwide, Beyond 20/20 products have been setting the standard for simplicity in controlling and refining data. Our intuitive design means your data will be available and running right away.*
Benefit-driven information kit
Loud and clear — Radio for the public sector
Whether you’re delivering information about a new service or program, presenting a message from your Minister or Mayor, or seeking advice from your stakeholders, nothing gets the good word out like radio advertising. As well as being the most cost-effective and flexible message delivery system in the world, radio reaches more Canadians, more often and for longer periods of time than any other media. Radio reaches 94% or more of all Canadians every week for over three hours a day!
Let’s face it: communicating effectively with Canadians has never been more challenging. We live in a media-saturated world, one in which every kind of media — radio, television, newspapers, the Internet — is competing for attention. Considering the amount of information that’s out there — not to mention the choices available in how to receive it — no wonder many Canadians feel overwhelmed!
That’s where radio can help. Radio delivers messages to a target audience more often and more cost effectively than any other medium. More than that, radio is uniquely adept at working with other media to complement visual ads in print or on TV…*
Direct mail/online marketing
Newswatch: Build mindshare so you can build marketshare
An audience for your message. Business owners, advertisers and other communications professionals know only too well how hard it is to reach a carefully defined, specific audience when you have an important message, vision, product or idea that you need to sell…
…It can be an expensive proposition, and risky too, since you are generally expected to cut a cheque for a considerable fixed amount to pay for a campaign — no matter whether that campaign is successful. There is a better way: advertise or become an official sponsor of Bourque’s Newswatch. We’re Canada ‘s Online News Authority…*
>Business-to-consumer marketing (B2C)
Product information brochure for The Stephen Gaffney Company
Service information brochure for Plus One Performance
Benefit-driven fact sheet
The miniature billboard that sells
Did you know that one of Bell Canada’s most effective marketing tools is something so compact that it fits in a purse or wallet? It’s a tool so widespread that its message is replicated over 11 million times across Canada? It’s a tool that pays for itself many times over yet costs our customers nothing to acquire. The tool in question is the Bell Calling Card.
Calling cards have grown in popularity because Bell customers recognize the value, portability and convenience of these cards. In fact, over 1 in 3 Canadians carry one. Indeed, it’s sensible to have on-hand. When you’re on the road, for example, and need to place a local or long-distance call, there’s no need to carry around a pocket-full of change. Just open your purse or wallet, and either enter your card number or swipe your card and you’re in business…*
>Public affairs/advocacy marketing
Canada’s Pacific Gateway Strategy brochure
Opening doors, creating prosperity
Canada shows the world its commitment to diversity not only in how we embrace all cultures, but in how we engage in trade with all markets — ones that are both established and emerging, such as those in China, India and other Asian economies. Trade and prosperity hinge on the rapid, seamless and secure movement of people and goods. Canada is uniquely placed and exceptionally skilled to be a gateway to serve those needs to the Pacific markets.
Through Canada’s Pacific Gateway Strategy, investments in multi-modal transportation (air, roadways, ports and rail), as well as in human resources will ensure that our country is the pre-eminent choice where all economies meet to do business with the world’s fastest growing markets.
Read on and learn about how in Canada, when we invest in trade together, we all win…*
Brochure for a not-for-profit organization
We’re where you live
We’re the Ottawa Chapter of the Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario — part of a national network of associations dedicated to improving the lives of children, youth and adults with learning disabilities. Count on us as your resource and your voice for learning disability-related issues in the Ottawa area.We’re your resource
Want to know more about learning-disability issues but don’t know where to start? We’re here for you. Children, youth and adults in the Ottawa area count on us as a friendly, one-stop resource for facts and information about learning disabilities…*
Apprentice Inventory Project toolkit
Tools-of-the-trade to promote apprenticeship training
Apprenticeship training is about more than just learning a set of skills — it’s about sharing best practices, experiences, ideas and approaches within a professional domain. This kind of career-building knowledge can be gained in the workplace, but it is also readily available from among those who influence apprentices every day, including parents, educators, guidance counsellors, and journey persons.
In essence, apprenticeship is a community — working together to help ensure that Canada remains a leader in training and in the skills trade.
To help support this community, the Canadian Apprenticeship Forum – Forum canadien sur l’apprentissage launched the Inventory of Apprenticeship Information Project — a one-stop location to share vital, up-to-date information related to skills trade and apprenticeship training…*
Public health toolkit
Canadian dental hygienists: you can make a difference!
Among your clients, you’ve likely already seen the effects of tobacco use — from bad breath and yellowing teeth, to telltale signs of diseases to the mouth, lips or tongue. Linked to this is the heartbreaking fact that smoking and tobacco use kills more than 45,000 Canadians every year. What’s just as tragic is that most of the effects, diseases and premature deaths linked to tobacco use are entirely preventable.
As a dental hygienist — a primary oral health care professional — you are uniquely placed to make a difference in the lives of clients who use tobacco.
Intervention starts with you…*
Sectoral advocacy brochure (OCRI)
Leading the world in exploration, discovery and development
With over 90 percent of all research and development in Canada being carried out here, Ottawa has become Canada ‘s focal point for advanced technology and innovation. Because of its visionary corporate sector, its highly educated workforce, as well as its unique blend of private-sector, university and government-supported research institutions, Ottawa is the ideal place to incubate bold new ideas and initiatives.
A city of visionary entrepreneurs”
” Inspired by the vision of the city’s early entrepreneurs, today’s Ottawa-based companies are among the leaders of the technology industry today. From telecommunications software to wireless connectivity, from semiconductors to life sciences, Ottawa ‘s corporate community is developing next-generation technologies that are transforming the world…*
* Looking for a sample or style that you don’t see here? We have more in our ever-growing portfolio. Find out more. Call our Ottawa-based studio today at (613) 825-3233.
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